Tuesday 5 November 2013

Remember, Remember the 18th December...

...when the new Stonehenge Visitors Centre is formally opened. It would be wonderful if we could swamp the World Heritage Site (WHS), on the day, with lots of folks wanting to use the event to draw attention to the problems the WHS causes, by its impact on traffic flows in the area for local residents, travellers and business-folk alike.  If it wasn't for the WHS, it is likely that the A303 would have been dualled decades ago - and as for the A344 - don't go there.

  A few posts back, we told you which local residents were entitled to the free Stonehenge Local Residents and we estimated that could be around 30,000 of you, give or take a few.  We also warned that Amesbury Library, the only place we know of that issues these cards, was running low.

STAG reports today that the library were out of cards on 1 November and a follow-up phone call to them today (5th November) suggested they had been told by English Heritage to expect a new supply in the next week.  This is something we need to keep a close eye on.  As the originator of this report observed, a cynic might think the lack of cards was an English Heritage ploy to keep locals at bay on opening day.

It is worth noting, however, that nowhere in the original deed of gift by Cecil Chubb was any mention made of English Heritage or the need to have a printed pass on a piece of cardboard.  The only condition needed for entry is to live in one of relevant villages.  We would assume that simply having proof of residency in one of these would be sufficient to comply with the conditions of the deed of gift and gain free entry on the gate.  We are sure that English Heritage won't like this suggestion as it might cause a bit of discontent with the paying customers, but that's a deed of gift for you...


Chris Wickham (née Parr) said...

Which are the relevant villages for the Stonehenge free pass, please? I'm keen to support the cause but live at Wilton - do I qualify?

General Disquiet said...


The list of villages entitled to free entry to Stonehenge is as follows:

Orcheston St George
Orcheston St Mary
Winterbourne Stoke
Wilsford cum Lake
Newton Toney
Winterbourne Dauntsey
Winterbourne Earls
Winterbourne Gunner

I'm sorry to say that Wilton isn't one of them, but please come along and join us on one or both of our Dual Days of Action on 17th and 18th of December. Watch out for details of the "event" in the next few days.

General Disquiet said...


Of course, you are also entitled to FREE access to the Stonehenge site if you are a member of English Heritage or the National Trust.

Anonymous said...

To make you aware, the free pass isn't because of Cecil Chubb. It's due to a later public right of way issue, the council at the time gave up the public right of way in exchange for the free access to the sites in 1921.